About Me
I am a computer science researcher
at Intel working on applications of programming
languages and formal verification
to quantum
I am also interested in applications of programming
languages to computer security and hardware
verification. I got my Ph.D. from the University of
Pennsylvania in 2018, where I worked with Steve
Zdancewic, after which I worked as a research engineer
at Galois.
- PCOAST: A Pauli-based Quantum Circuit Optimization Framework
Jennifer Paykin, Albert T. Schmitz, Mohannad Ibrahim, Xin-Chuan Wu, and A. Y. Matsuura
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE),
September 2023
[extended version arXiv]
- Optimization at the Interface of Unitary and Non-unitary Quantum Operations in PCOAST
Albert T. Schmitz, Mohannad Ibrahim, Nicolas P. D. Sawaya, Gian Giacomo Guerreschi,
Jennifer Paykin, Xin-Chuan Wu, A. Y. Matsuura
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE),
September 2023
- Formal Verification of Flow Equivalence in Desynchronized Designs
Jennifer Paykin, Brian Huffman, Daniel M. Zimmerman, and Peter A. Beerel
International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC), May 2020
- A HoTT Quantum Equational Theory
Jennifer Paykin and Steve Zdancewic
Quantum Physics and Logic, Chapman University, June 2019
- ReQWIRE: Reasoning about Reversible Quantum Circuits
Robert Rand, Jennifer Paykin, Dong-Ho Lee, and Steve
Quantum Physics and Logic, Halifax, Canada, June 2018
- The Linearity Monad
Jennifer Paykin and Steve Zdancewic
Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN
International Haskell Symposium, Oxford, UK, September 2017
- QWIRE Practice: Formal Verification of Quantum Circuits in
Robert Rand, Jennifer Paykin, and Steve Zdancewic
Quantum Physics and Logic, Nijmegen, Netherlands, July
- QWIRE: A Core Language for Quantum Circuits
Jennifer Paykin, Robert Rand, and Steve Zdancewic
Proceedings of the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2017),
Paris, France, January 2017
- Linear λμ is CP (more or less)
Jennifer Paykin and Steve Zdancewic
A List of Successes to Change the World,
Edinburgh, UK, April 2016
- A linear/producer/consumer model of classical linear logic
Jennifer Paykin and Steve Zdancewic
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on LINEARITY,
Vienna, Austria, July 2014.
[tech report]
- A static cost analysis for a higher-order language
Norman Danner, Jennifer Paykin, and James S Royer
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Programming
Languages meets Program Verification (PLPV),
Rome, Italy, January 2013.
- Qudit Quantum Programming with Projective Cliffords
Jennifer Paykin and Sam Winnick
July 2024
- Condensed Encodings of Projective Clifford Operations in Arbitrary Dimension
Sam Winnick and Jennifer Paykin
In submission, July 2024
- Weird Machines as Insecure Compilation
Jennifer Paykin, Eric Mertens, Mark Tullsen, Luke Maurer, Benoit Razet, Alexander Bakst, Scott Moore
November 2019
- Linear/Non-Linear Types for Embedded Domain-Specific
Jennifer Paykin
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pennsyvlania, 2018
- choose your own derivative (Extended Abstract)
Jennifer Paykin, Antal Spector-Zabusky, and Kenneth Foner
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Type-Driven Development
(TyDe 2016), Nara, Japan, September 2016
- The Essence of Event-Driven Programming
Jennifer Paykin, Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami, and Steve
Draft, April 2016
- The many meanings of polarized proof theory
Jennifer Paykin
University of Pennsylvania Written Preliminary
Examination (WPE) II, December 2015
- Curry Howard for GUIs
Jennifer Paykin, Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami, and Steve Zdancewic
Off the Beaen Track,
Mumbia, India, January 2015
Posters and Presentations
- Programming Clifford Unitaries with Symplectic Types
Invited Talk at Foundations of Quantum computational Advantage (FoQaCiA), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, April 2024
- Symplectic Types for a Clifford Lambda Calculus
Invited talk at Homotopy Type Theory and Computing---Classical and Quantum (running HoTT), NYU Abu Dhabi, April 2024
- A Functional Approach to the Modular Construction of Quantum Logic
APS March Meeting, March 2023
- Quantum Computing for Programming Language Researchers
or: I sort of understand quantum computing, and so can you!
Invited talk at Programming Languages for Quantum Computing (PLanQC), January 2020
- Exploits as Insecure Compilation
Principles of Secure Compilation (PriSC), January 2020
- A HoTT Quantum Equational Theory
University of Maryland, March 8, 2019
- Formal Verification of Quantum Programs
Invited talk at Pacific Northwest National Labs, October 26, 2018
- Preaching to the QWIRE: Verified semantics of quantum circuits
Invited talk at QPL/MFPS, June 6, 2018
- Curry-Howard for Callbacks
ICFP Student Research Competition, September 4, 2015
First place, graduate category
- Logic, Categories, and Graphical User Interfaces
Invited talk at Wesleyan University, April 21, 2015
- A Linear/Producer/Consumer Model of Classial Linear Logic
POPL student poster session, January 24, 2014
Introduction to Coq,
Oregon Programming Languages Summer School (OPLSS), Summer 2023
- CIS 191, Linux and UNIX Skills (Instructor),
University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2016
Computer Science Workshop, Summers 2014-2017
- CIS 502, Analysis of Algorithms (Teaching Assistant),
University of Pennsylvania, Summer 2015
- CIS 160, Mathematical Foundations in Computer Science (Teaching Assistant),
University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2014
- CIS 500, Software Foundations (Teaching Assistant),
University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2013
- Discrete Mathematics (Teaching Assistant),
Wesleyan University, Spring 2010
Professional Activities
I served as chair for Programming Languages and Quantum Computing (PLanQC) 2025.
I organized diversity events and coordinated accommodations for disabled attendees at POPL 2022 as Accessibility and Diversity Chair.
I served on the program committees for several workshops and conferences including POPL 2024, Haskell Symposium 2023, ICFP 2019, PLanQC 2021, PriSC 2021.
I was an organizer of CISTErs,
a group for phd, postdoc, and faculty women in engineering at the University of Pennsylvania.